Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cultivating a heart of JOY

  One part of teaching that I have been reflecting on in the past few days is that it gives me so much life.  I remember hearing that whatever gives us passion gives God glory.  It’s always been hard for me to think of things I would want to do in my life through the lense of reality.  I find myself looking at my current situation thinking that I don’t fully enjoy what I am doing now, but this other career would be amazing.  In the past few years I’ve had to reflect, and think about whether I like the idea of certain careers verses the reality of doing that job.  When I decided that I wanted to go to school to become a teacher I had an unrealistic idea of the job.  Once I began working in classrooms, I really doubted whether it was for me or not.  The more I mature, I realize that nothing will come without challenges and parts that aren’t enjoyable.  The question that I need to ask myself is “even though this is hard, do I still love it?”  At first I couldn’t say that about teaching.  I knew that there were times of enjoyment while I taught, but I have found that in the past few months that even though this is hard I do love it.  There are other experiences in my life where this is true, and in each one I have been working with youth, and teaching them something.  I believe what makes the difference is that it’s not about what I feel, because emotions are fleeting.  It is from the underlying joy of doing what I am passionate about, and knowing that I am serving God through that.

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