Friday, September 27, 2013

On Feeling Anxious.

*This post is new for me, because I'm expressing a side of myself I normally don't blog about.  It's also new, because I'm testing out an idea I have for a new blog...with that in mind let me know what you think please!*

"Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:34

I've had a really hard week so far for a number of reasons.  I've been in between home (Eau Claire) and the Cities for the past two weeks, because I recently began nannying part-time.  The family that I nanny for needed me before I move into my apartment and I thought it would be a wise decision to meet them halfway by nannying for these past two weeks.  This was the second week of that, and I have to be honest in saying that it was hard.  The actual nannying part wasn't really.  What has been difficult has been everything that I've been feeling and thinking about, as well as struggling to fall asleep (I really hate not being able to fall asleep...I'm not the only one right???).

I have anxiety and I have to fight to live in the peace Christ gives me everyday.  Transitions trigger anxious feelings and thoughts for me.  I am in a transition right now.  I've graduated college (wooh!) and now I'm on to the next season of my life: workin' woman!  Thinking about what lies ahead has triggered anxious thought after anxious feeling after anxious thought.

Well, anyway, today has been a huge blessing.  My desperation and Jesus' faithfulness intersected like always and I think it's important for me to proclaim the truth.

Here's what is true about this next season:

Even though this new season is unfamiliar God's love IS familiar.  Whenever something feels unfamiliar I can hold on tighter to His unconditional love that I don't deserve, but I fully get to accept and enjoy.  His love is my comfort and my home.  I can rest in His love.

I DON'T need to worry about tomorrow: how it's going to look, how it's going to feel, what's going to happen...NOPE, it's all in His hands.  Once again I can rest in His love for me.  I love this verse that comes before the final "therefore, do not worry...":

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"  - Matthew 6: 25-27

Reading this passage in Matthew calms my heart.  It reminds me that if God takes care of the birds who don't work for their food or think about how they need to get it...they just know it will be there when they need much more does He care for me?  How much more will He be taking care of me?

And then it hits me.  I think back on my four years at Northwestern.  I was so scared to enter that season of my life.  But, then I look back at ALL God did and it was all worth it: the good, bad and hard times.  I grew so much.  God moved mountains in my life, so that I could be closer to Him!  And I look back and I think "God you knew when I was scared of going to college that it was going to be worth it."  You knew that I would walk away from that place a different person: changed because of you.  And if that is all true, then I can walk into this next season saying, "God, what do you have for me next?!  I have absolutely no idea what you plan to do, but I have full confidence that it is going to be really good."  He remains faithful.

This isn't the first time I have worried about the future, scrunching into a little ball with my head down. When times like these come I need something tangible to remind me of the truth.

I have this picture frame with the verse, Matthew 6:34 in it.  When I student taught I bought the frame from a thrift store and printed out the picture from Pinterest (you should be able to find the picture from that link).

My purpose in making this was to have a reminder as I full-time taught that I simply did not need to worry about tomorrow.  The frame also made me feel like the classroom was mine.  It was cute and decorative, like other pieces I saw in the teachers' rooms I had been in.

Today I was reminded of this verse and I immediately thought, "I need to remember that!  How can I post it somewhere?!"  Then, I remembered that I had already put the frame and picture together and I could put it up in my new apartment.  Perfect!

Is there something in your life that triggers anxiety?  Maybe you need to be reminded of the truth about the situation.  One fun and life-giving way of doing that is finding a bible verse that encourages you and making it cute with a frame or something else.  That way it's a part of your home/office/etc decor and it's also functional!

Rest & Be Blessed,


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