I love You Lord
But I want to love You more
I need You God
But I want to need You more
I'm lost without
Your creative spark in me
I'm dead inside
Unless Your resurrection sings
I'm desperate for a desperate heart
I'm reaching out, I'm reaching
All that I am is dry bones
Without You Lord, a desert soul
I am broken but running
Towards You God, You make me whole
You are exactly what we need
Only You can satisfy
-Desert Soul by Rend Collective Experiment
This song just speaks to where I am at. I had the privilege of seeing this band play before I saw Francis Chan speak a few months ago. They are so joyful and truly have a beautiful message to share about Jesus. Today in praise chapel they sang this song and the whole time it was playing I was just thinking "this is where I am at."
2: Morning Work out
I woke up and got to work out - sometimes I have to be stern with myself and say "No Jamie! Wake up - this will be good for you." Otherwise that snooze button will be pushed, and pushed, and pushed. You get the point. And as I was walking back I saw this fella...or lady...hmm not really sure.
Ya know he was just walking about and I'm waiting for him...or her to fly away. But he just kept walking. So naturally I started following him to see if he would fly away. (sometimes I do this with squirrels and they skimper off right away, as do birds - so I'm thinking this guy will do the same). And as I started following him his feet started moving a bit faster and once he did extend those wings of his, but still no flying. Then I saw a girl running by who I like to call my running buddy. She doesn't know it yet, but we are running buddies, because we both are in the work out center every morning at the same time. Maybe some day I will tell her. Anyway she runs by and is smiling and I just burst out laughing. At that point I decided it was time for me to stop following the goose and go get ready for the day.
As I was walking back I couldn't get the smile off my face and I didn't want to. I just knew God put that goose right there on purpose. To be honest this past week has been heavy and I just think God knew I needed to laugh a little and he knew exactly what would get a good chuckle out of me.
3.New ear phones
I had let one of my friends borrow my ear phones that honestly are really gross. They are old, and needed to be retired...otherwise thrown out. Well today she told me she had something for me and she had bought me a new pair of awesome ear phones! And they have pink on them! I felt so thought for :-).
4. E-mail from my dad
My dad and I usually talk on the phone, but we've decided to e-mail more often. And it really warms my heart to get e-mails from him. It brightens my day! Thanks dad :-)
5. I have had a few small victories in my walk with God this week.
I've been able to allow myself to be where I'm at and call out some lies. I have been able to treat myself with grace in certain situations. I'm learning to trust him a bit more!
Happy Friday!
I know my weekend will be filled with homework, so I'm happy for this little time of rest!
thank you for the simple joys in life. Thank you for being a part of every single moment of our lives God. Open our eyes to see you more and more. And help us to experiences your love more so that we can love others!
In your name Amen
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