Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tis Better To Bequeath Than Receive

One of my pastors made up this phrase, and many of my friends now know that it is my favorite thing to say these days. As funny as this phrase is I would say it definitely was the theme of my Christmas. For all of those who don't know what Bequeath means tells us that it is to "hand down, pass on," and its synonyms are "will, impart, leave, bestow, grant, consign." And in modern English this phrase simply means "It is better to give than receive." Bequeath is so much better, don't you agree?

This year my Christmas was filled with giving rather than receiving. What was so amazing about this is that my soul received such rich blessings in the process. I think that is how it works -- that is why it is better.

On Christmas Eve Day, I had the privilege of singing in a choir at my church for all three services. I got to sing a long side some of my dearest friends. It was seriously so much fun and brought a lot of life into my heart. Singing praises to our God and being able to look out at my community knowing that I am singing with them -- it was so beautiful. That day Christmas was alive to me. I also got to hear the message three times... now maybe that seems like "oh my goodness, get me out of here," to some, but for me it was so awesome! Each time I got something new out of the message -- and my adoration for Jesus grew.

There were other ways that I had the opportunity to Bequeath...and they were equally wonderful. It is kind of a tradition for our family to go to the community table Christmas morning and serve those that come in for breakfast. This tradition is newer, but I am so glad to have done it. I hope to visit there more often -- once again it brought rich blessings into my life. I was also reminded of my love for children as I helped a mother and her children get breakfast, and that makes me excited for this next semester where I will be in the classroom again :).

That is just a snapshot of my Christmas, and I think I am writing this more for myself for not all my days are filled with ease and joy. It is good to be reminded of these times as I trudge through the mud of harder days.

One quote that has also stuck out to me this Christmas season is "He Knows our need, our weakness is no stranger." Happy Birthday Jesus, thank you for all that you are.


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