Wednesday, May 18, 2011

See you later

Oh my goodness -- If I had to sum up this past week and a half with one word I would say FULL.
In the past week I have checked 20 girls out of their dorms, inspected their rooms, thoroughly, meaning helping them clean anything that is not up to standard, checking for any damages and then saying good bye to my 15 girls in my hall...each in 30 minute time slots. I have took one final, one take home final and completed two case studies. I have cleaned my room thoroughly from top to bottom - used more comet and other sorts of cleaners than I could ever imagine. Went swimming and hot tubbing at a hotel to celebrate a dear friend of mine graduating. slept on a futon for three nights in a row with close friends. Went to Old Chicago at 11:30 at night and before that got ice cream at cub with more than a dozen girls. Shared my heart with my staff and experienced theirs while getting immensely sun burned. Played in a four square tournament. Obtained my roommates bike for the summer. Said goodbye to being an RA and to my wonderful staff. Cried a lot, hugged a lot, prayed a lot. And now I am home. This is what it looked like for me to say "See you later" to Northwestern for the summer. And this time it was hard. I have so many emotions right now and, so much thankfulness for so many things/people. Northwestern is another home for me now - these people that I spent every Monday night with are like sisters. And the women that work at Northwestern have become people that I admire and share my heart with.

So "See you later Northwestern" and "hello summer - ready or not you are here. It might take me a few days to get used to you."


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