His heart beat is steady
it is unchanging
By a love that died
for you and me
THIS is irresistible grace; knowing I am loved & loving Him back.
This week...since Tuesday has been good. Woah.
God is REALLY big and He has purpose in each day,
and I'm realizing through prayer our eyes become more open
to how He is constantly moving and blessing us as we submit to Him.
I say, "God, do what you want, whatever you want to do with this day, it is yours...this day is limitless because of you."
And later on He shows me that when I simply slow down my walking and breathing I am able to fight better, think clearer and I am walking in His rhythm.
When we go so fast, we can't hear what is most important - His heartbeat.
This is at least where I'm at.
Last night I went to a concert of praise and prayer called UNITE.
It was held at UofM Campus and many college campuses, as well as other organizations such as a team of mom's that pray for their children, and all of us as a generation, were there to UNITE together in prayer to see revival, renewing, and simply put, change.
Why did I go to this, you may ask (or maybe not)? Because Leeland (the band that I love so much), was playing there. I was honest about this, and this is why I think God is funny. I didn't know I was going to a prayer event that had been prayed for for years in advance to bring UNITY throughout the whole twin cities. Woah. And honestly, Leeland was not the highlight of my night. Jesus and feelings His love, power, freedom, and joy was. God is doing BIG things. He is bringing people together and creating an army. He wants us to know we are loved, He wants reconciliation for families, He wants healing. And He is Holy -- He is set apart from us, so far above us, there is nothing we could do to impress Him really because He is just so far above us...but that's good because it's not about that. It's about the fact that Jesus died on the cross for you and me so that we would be UNITED with God once again. His grace leads us into relationship with Him. So....Leeland was good (loved it), but God...yeah He was better.
I have so much on my heart.
So many unexpected conversations have been happening lately.
I have a little over a week left of my sophomore year of COLLEGE!
And I have tons to be thankful for and I'm really looking forward to the summer.
I do not want to stop healing -- it's really hard, but I want to be a whole person, that has joy, peace, and love in my heart. I do not want to be marked by fear. I know this is a process.
I say that a lot.
I have many things I'd like for this summer, but who knows what will happen.
I know I need rest -- life has been busy. And I know that I need a job.
All of that to say -- I am learning to literally walk in God's rhythm, trying to soak up this last week of my year at NWC...while getting all that I need to get done done, and looking forward to a good, hopefully refreshing summer (kind of like a smooth fruit slushy drink...yeah).
And now I am off to more studying -- this really is the life of an education major people.