I believe that in this world God shows us pieces of Himself in different forms all over the place. I think that is why I love to spend time with Him in nature; whether just looking out the window or being outside. I think that God intended people in our lives to reflect images of Him that help create a whole picture of Him. Sadly, many of us [maybe all in some form] have broken pictures of a father, therefore something is missing in our mosaic. I do know that because God is the creator of this mosaic He can heal those wounds and put in the piece that is missing.

All together this mosaic holds together a picture of God inside. I like this illustration -- it makes so much sense to me because I am so dang visual. Man, these eyes were meant for something!
I really want to make a mosaic bottle of some sort and put pieces of paper inside that say things about who God is. That shall be one of my summer projects =). Oh what joy there is from being such an expressive person!
jamie... stumbled across your blog, was drawn to this picture, and totally agree! and i want to do this with you! summer projects are GREAT! love you and excited that you are doing the internship, in whatever way God has for you, because it means that i get to know you this summer. which i can tell already is gonna be a blessing!
ReplyDeleteI would love to do this with you heather! You are so sweet and I'm very glad that I get to hang out with you and get to know you better this summer too!!!!