This weekend I decided to go home for a few different reasons. The two weeks prior to coming home I was extremely busy. Everything that I could have on plate was put there -- I mean EVERYTHING. Going from class, to hall event, to group project, to a hall retreat, to duty for RAing, to another hall event to another class and to another group project and so on. To top all of that off we had Knuha Day last Thursday night and on the same night I decided that I am not going to be an RA next year. On that Friday I went home with a really good friend of mine. We took my boyfriends car and I drove home! For those of you that know me, you know that driving has been some what of a challenge for me. So this was a big accomplishment =). Throughout the weekend I got to spend a lot of time with my friend and It just encouraged me so much. Seeing how she has grown and how God is just molding her and changing her and giving her more hunger for Him inspires me. During this time at home I also gave blood for a part of my doctors appointment. Also once again this is a big thing for me because I am afraid of pain and especially pain in the form of a needle being stuck into my arm. Well it was fine AND i did it all by myself - no one went with me! I am proud! I guess there is just so much that I have going on in my life and so much I could write about.
The thing that inspired me to blog I think is a combination of my human relations class, diverse learners class, placements, future volunteer hours and hearing from other people's hearts. From all of these experiences I am seeing that this world is so much bigger than my little life. There are people hurting and I don't have the answers or ways to relate with them. As much as I want to say that I know what to say to those that have went through things I haven't - I just don't right now. I think I feel this realization that we have a big world. There is so much going on and as busy as I am I know that everything I am learning about is teaching me about the diversity of our big world. If you asked me 10 years ago that I'd be where I'm at I wouldn't think so. But I'm just really seeing that right now - that I am small, that I don't have the answers and that there are people that are hurting.
[this isn't to depress anyone, I think it's just to see the obviousness of our world and how there is greater purpose in our lives]
Today my Christian Theology professor quoted a verse in Isaiah 43:7 that talks about how we are created for God's glory and therefore we have purpose. What's running through my mind right now is what does that look like to live for God's glory? And it also gives me a lot of hope - that we have purpose, that we were not mistakes but purposefully created.
Yeah - those are my thoughts.
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