When I am at the end of my rope He makes me new again…
He refreshes my spirit and shows me that it is not through my strength but only through Him
He is the best father, teacher, counselor, and friend that anyone could ever know
He gives me joy and peace when I don't deserve it…
His grace is abundant no matter what the cost.
He is the first and the last
Created everything
He is my God
And I am his daughter
He loves me, He loves you
He is my savior -- the one I can fully depend on when I feel all hope is lost
He knows what is best for me, even if I disagree…
But He gives me free will to chose ..YES or NO
That is what true love is
He sacrificed EVERYTHING so that I could be forgiven, free, and restored.
How sweet it is to be loved by a God who guides me into deep waters and open valleys -
Takes me into the wilderness and I am NOT alone
Shows me what I am made of…so that He can make me new
He is THE one that shows me how to stand in truth
When my sin is all that I can see, he does not relent but says - "that is not what I see
I see beauty when I look into your eyes, I see my son in disguise"
What a beautiful maker, what a wonderful savior..
I do not have any words, but hope rests on my heart
For when I feel far from Him - he says "were not apart"
I fall to my knees in surrender, find a shelter when I'm weak
He made me, shaped me, knew all about me - and said "you're the one I seek"
This God who is HOLY, laid down His life, He knew I would mess up
But He still calls me His bride…
So what do I say, what can I do?
Here is my life, a living sacrifice to you.
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