"This Decree, therefore, of the Master, god-of-the-angel-armies,
the strong one of Israel:
"This is it! I'll get my oppressors off my back.
I'll get back at my enemies.
I'll give you the back of my hand,
purge the junk from your life, clean you up.
I'll set honest judges and wise counselors among you
just like it was back in the beginning.
Then you'll be renamed
City-That-Treats-People-Right, the True-Blue City."
God's right ways will put Zion right again."
- Isaiah 1:24-31
...Some of this verse may sound a little harsh, but i look back on these past two years & I feel like this is how God saw me. He saw what needed to go and gave me everything i needed so that my "blood-red sin would be made snow-white". Basically I think God was saying "My right ways will put Jamie right again." And not just made right but made new. I'm just fully understanding that God has always had his eye on me, caring for me and slowly leading me to him. All in his timing.
I feel like i've had many "defining moments" this year, but here i am again looking back at what God has done as i look forward to all he is about to do. It's crazy, but really exciting, but all i want to do is learn more, and love more.
So as i pack up my things to head to Jamaica I know one thing is forsure, God is going to show up big and definitely Rock my boat. But i'm actually really looking forward to it. This is the only life I get to live and why not embrace the unknown, and have a little bit of adventure! I mean don't get me wrong, i've been stressing out and getting nervous about every little thing possible when it comes to Jamaica, but I don't know something's changed today. I feel at peace and ready.
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