Hello Friends,
Tomorrow I embark on yet another adventure. One that is familiar to me, but still I sit with a mix of anticipation, anxiety, sadness, excitement, etc. I love home like nobody's business - I especially have appreciated home in the past week or so, because of the finality of this season that I am in. I am a graduate of Northwestern College (soon to be The University of Northwestern - St. Paul). I have a degree in Elementary Education, a minor in bible and an emphasis in special education. Of course going off to college meant leaving the season of being a kid to a certain extent, but for most of us there was still some "kid like moments" we have been able to experience. Care packages, long breaks home, parents paying for gas, groceries once in a while and other things we just forgot we needed.
In April I began to think about this season of college being done. To be a bit more honest I began to feel all that there is to feel about graduating. Mostly, I realized that graduating college means that I am OFFICIALLY an adult. Being at home for a while - I wanted to soak it all up. But there is much of me that wanted to hold on to the actual place of home, because home symbolizes being a kid. The truth is that I am no longer a kid. A wise woman once said, "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22," and I couldn't agree with her more. 22 definitely means adulthood. Graduating and being home brought this feeling of finality.
And now, I have left home again. This time with the feeling of unknown for what happens after camp, and a longing to have more of home. Nevertheless I have a peace about going back to a place that brings me so much peace. While I'm at camp I will need to look for jobs, apply for jobs, maybe interview at schools if possible. And all of that has produced some anxiety.
The more I look at that poster "Keep Calm and Camp On." the more I believe that's so true. I am going to keep calm: trust God with my future, trust him that he is my stability, my home, my father and camp on: serve others, take in the beautiful landscape of camp, invest in relationship and simply BE in the present where He has so generously placed me.
Like last summer I would love to write a little about each church we go to. These opportunities we get to experience are filled with such rich blessings and I don't think it would be fair to keep them to myself. If you're interested in keeping track of my journey I will try my best to be faithful in writing a post about each church we attend.
Please be praying for the churches, host families, campers, and counselors. That we would have good communication between churches. That we would be so grateful to the host families and show them Jesus and experience who Jesus is to them. That the campers would come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and that he counselors would be strengthened to serve the campers in every situation: only through the strength of Jesus Christ.
He IS our example of servent leadership.
Keep Calm and Camp On,