Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cultivating a heart of JOY

  One part of teaching that I have been reflecting on in the past few days is that it gives me so much life.  I remember hearing that whatever gives us passion gives God glory.  It’s always been hard for me to think of things I would want to do in my life through the lense of reality.  I find myself looking at my current situation thinking that I don’t fully enjoy what I am doing now, but this other career would be amazing.  In the past few years I’ve had to reflect, and think about whether I like the idea of certain careers verses the reality of doing that job.  When I decided that I wanted to go to school to become a teacher I had an unrealistic idea of the job.  Once I began working in classrooms, I really doubted whether it was for me or not.  The more I mature, I realize that nothing will come without challenges and parts that aren’t enjoyable.  The question that I need to ask myself is “even though this is hard, do I still love it?”  At first I couldn’t say that about teaching.  I knew that there were times of enjoyment while I taught, but I have found that in the past few months that even though this is hard I do love it.  There are other experiences in my life where this is true, and in each one I have been working with youth, and teaching them something.  I believe what makes the difference is that it’s not about what I feel, because emotions are fleeting.  It is from the underlying joy of doing what I am passionate about, and knowing that I am serving God through that.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Here. We. Go. ((Ready or Not))

*So I may have stolen that title from a friend and fellow blogger of mine.

It is January 8th, 2013, for those of you who didn't read the date at the head of the blog post ;).  The point is, that in two days I will be heading back to Minnesota to move in with a mentor or host family, if you will.  This is my last semester of college, and I will be student teaching this semester.  On January 14th, and 15th I will have student teaching orientation.  On the 16th I begin.  wow.  I find myself pausing for a few moments to take it in.  I think I need more than a few moments though.  This feels big.  It is another date that I never thought I would experience.  2009 felt far off in the distance, but it happened and that year I graduated high school.  09 was part of my username for school, and every time I signed in my e-mail, that year didn't ever seem like it would come.  Then it did, and I entered college: Northwestern.  2013 has always been the expiration date on my ID card.  Most people end up breaking their ID card, or losing it sometime within their two to four years at Northwestern.  I have had the same one for these last four years, and it is not until this year that it has a few bruises.  Hmm, but 2013, that is SO far away.  Nope, eight days ago the new year began: 2013.

Now, teaching.  Here it comes.  I will be in a suburb of Minnesota, teaching fourth graders.  There will be a time period where I teach full-time for 10 consecutive days. Now that is a good chunk of time.  There are many other tasks I will need to accomplish, and I'm sure that you will hear about them one way or the other.  I want to say that I will blog about my experiences like once a week.  Come on, anyone who reads my blog knows that won't happen.  So, if I get a chance I will blog, but this is my blog post to express this new season of life before it begins.  If that's all you get, I do apologize, it's just a crazy life that I'm living.

Anyway, at church a friend asked how I felt about student teaching.  And the best way I could describe it (as cheesy as it sounds) is the feeling right before you jump off a diving board: scared and excited.

There has been so much preparation, but there are so many things that are unknown.  I know that I do come prepared, but I also come with nothing, and that is where Jesus gives me strength, joy, and motivation for each day.

Please be praying for me, as I begin this new experience.  I really desire to give it my everything, and grow in my teaching abilities.  I will be living somewhere new, and I really want that to be a smooth transition.  Prayer in that area would be wonderful.  And, I am transferring to a different restaurant closer to where I live.  I won't be working much, but I know that will be something I need to figure out how to balance.  Lastly, right now I absolutely need my community.  I am fully aware that community may look different, but I believe God is faithful, and will provide for me in that way as he already has!

Praise, Praise, Praise Him.
